Are You Getting that New Year New Job Feeling?

The new year is just around the corner and there’s that typical feeling of nervous excitement about the possibilities it brings, particularly if you’ve been putting off a job move because of the long-lasting effects of the pandemic. Now is a great time to start looking for new roles, some of the top employers are looking for talented professionals which means exciting opportunities abound!

But how do you know now is the right time for a job move or career change for you? Barclay Simpson has created a rundown of the market factors to be aware of when thinking about changing roles, and some of the tell-tale signs that now is the right time to move based on any frustrations or learning opportunities.

Market factors for candidates searching for jobs:

  • Businesses are hiring – a lot!

Hiring budgets and initiatives have unfrozen and many top organisations have started a big drive to hire skilled professionals to propel their businesses out of tentative disaster planning and into a profitable and transformative future.

  • Things are getting competitive

It’s a candidate-led market at the moment, which means there are more roles advertised than there are qualified candidates to fill them. For those candidates who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the interrelated disciplines of internal audit, risk and compliance, or cyber you will likely have access to multiple roles offering competitive salaries as they try to compete to win the war for talent.

  • Geography is less important

With remote working proving invaluable over the last 18 months for employers, it is likely that many roles will continue to offer flexible working or working from home options as a benefit for the role.

5 signs you need a new job

It’s clear that there are external market factors that are conducive to your job search, but you also need to explore your own situation to determine if now is the right time for you to start looking. The top five signs that indicate it’s time to move on from your role include:

1. There is no upward movement or progression for you


If there is nowhere for you to move into from your current position within your company, that’s a big red flag to consider looking elsewhere. Upward progression and career opportunities within the same organisation are an indication of significant investment in employees and are linked with a culture of continual support and improvement, the ideal workplace! A lack of career progression or promotion opportunities are one of the main reasons people tend to leave their roles and look for better opportunities elsewhere.

2. Your company suddenly has a high staff turnover

We’re in an odd state of flux at the moment; companies are hiring but candidates are moving too. This has led to a lot of restructuring and turnover. If your organisational structure is frequently changing and you can see your colleagues flocking to the exits and onto better prospects, it might be time for you to consider moving to.

3. You are no longer learning

If you are no longer learning new skills, gaining new insight into your sector or adapting to new software or tech you should consider finding a role that will challenge you in these areas. Ensuring you’re always learning will future-proof your career so you keep pace with the skills of the wider candidate market.

4. You feel frustrated, stressed or anxious about your role

If you’re current role is extremely fast paced for prolonged amounts of time, then that’s a strong indication that you should look for a new job. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so if your job has you working extremely long hours, is impacting your sleep, or causing your distress, you should consider a career move.

5. You are already thinking about moving on

It may sound odd, but one of the most common signs that it’s time to consider a new role is if you’re already considering it or daydreaming about career alternatives! Even if it’s not been a serious consideration up until this point it still indicates that you’re dissatisfied with the role or the company.

What is the average time to find a new job?

According to Glassdoor, the average length of time it can take to find a new role varies by sector and role. Some indicative stats, however, give a good estimation of how long it can take:

Consulting – 55 days

Travel and tourism – 49 days

Investment banking – 45 days

How can Barclay Simpson help?

You can brush up on your remote and in-person interview skills, get useful CV writing tips, and much more from our blog.

If you’re looking to find a new role in internal or IT audit, financial services, law, risk, compliance or cyber security then check out our jobs page which has some of the most exciting opportunities available. Once you submit an application one of our consultants will be in touch, from there they can help guide you through the interview process and ensure you’re a memorable candidate!

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